Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)

Elon Musk, el CoFundador de PayPal y Tesla Motors, ha anunciado que dentro de 2 años aproximadamente, estará lista una interfaz que permitirá comunicación directa entre la mente del hombre y una computadora.  Será este evento, el inicio de los Cyborg. Más allá de esta figura hombre-máquina y la polémica ética que conlleve, el empleo de la interfaz tendrá consecuencias prácticas importantes.

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1. The Foundations of Liberal Policy

4. Equality

by Ludwig von Mises

Nowhere is the difference between the reasoning of the older liberalism and that of neoliberalism clearer and easier to demonstrate than in their treatment of the problem of equality. The liberals of the eighteenth century, guided by the ideas of natural law and of the Enlightenment, demanded for everyone equality of political and civil rights because they assumed that all men are equal. God created all men equal, endowing them with fundamentally the same capabilities and talents, breathing into all of them the breath of His spirit. All distinctions between men are only artificial, the product of social, human—that is to say, transitory—institutions. What is imperishable in man—his spirit—is undoubtedly the same in rich and poor, noble and commoner, white and colored.

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