about ufreeu

The academic structure of the university will consist of four general areas: Area of Libertarian Principles, Area of Austrian Economy, Area of Computing and Robotic and Area of Distributed Applications. All the projects to be implemented will be located in each of these areas, and they will be able to share academic credits with the rest of the areas.

In the area of Libertarian Principles, it is proposed to teach seminars and short courses on foundations of freedom. The activities in this area will be of general interest for the rest of the academic areas, and will add credits valid for all of them.

In the area of Austrian Economics, it is proposed to teach seminars, short courses and long courses for the purpose of accumulating credits for a master's and a doctorate degree in Austrian Economics.

In the area of Computing and Robotic, it is proposed to dictate short courses and long courses with the purpose of accumulating credits for a specialization in Computing, Programming and Robotics.

In the area of Distributed Applications, it is proposed to teach seminars, short courses and long courses for the purpose of accumulating credits for a masters degree in Blockchain and Development of Distributed Applications.

The teaching of classes in each area will be complemented by various researches that teachers will be able to develop while performing their academic activities.

Classroom teaching will be administered from the "Campus" section.

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